Why do pregnant mothers need to eat nuts

Publish Time: 2021-01-26     Origin: Baidu

Nuts are rich in nutrition. Eating more nuts during pregnancy, not only can provide energy for pregnant mothers, but also help baby’s brain development. Eating more of the following nuts during pregnancy can make your baby smarter.


Peanut contains about 50% fat and 25% protein, It also contains vitamin b1 and other nutrients. If pregnant mothers eat it regularly, it can prevent postpartum weakness. Peanut can increase the number of platelets and is a medicinal diet for blood.


Walnut contains high linoleic acid, it can synthesize DHA in the body and is considered to be an essential fatty acid, which has a brain-building effect for babies. Walnut is also rich in vitamin E, which can promote the growth and development of baby's blood vessels. 

Pine nut   

Pine nut is rich in carotene and vitamin E, as well as essential fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and also contains substances that other foods do not have. It not only has the effect of strengthening the body, but also has anti-cancer effects. It can help digestion and promote the healthy development of the baby's brain. 


Seed Nougat

Chocolate Scone

Peanut crisp

Black sesame jujube walnut roll

Macadamia soft candy